Book Review: Full Circle

Genre:  Memoir / Domestic Abuse / Forgiveness  Publisher: Wordfall Publishing
Date of Publication: December 5, 2019
Number of Pages: 217 Scroll down for the giveaway!

Alcoholism and domestic abuse creep silently into people’s lives, shattering dreams. For Pamela Lombana, the excitement of marriage turned into paralyzing fear as alcohol became her husband’s best friend. Surviving the daily physical and emotional abuse was the norm for her and their children. Full Circle tells the story of how love and God’s abiding grace helped Pamela find the strength to leave her husband, Fernando. During this journey, healing and forgiveness allowed her and the children to be there for him when he needed them the most.

I love to read memoir books. I just find that learning about other people and how they have experienced life just really puts me into perspective and always reminds me that we are all human. This book is no exception. The author was so honest about her feelings throughout this book that it never felt like she was faking something to make the plot seem thicker than what it was. She was open to everything that happened with her father, her husband, her family, herself. You can tell that she has come a long way from where she was and by the end of the book,  I was just so proud and happy for her.

When you are on the other side reading and hearing about these stories of abuse, it is easy to say how you wouldn't have let that happen and that you would have just left at the first sign. But the author does a great job of giving us the insight we need to understand where she is coming from. Why she chose the path she did. Why she stayed. She lays it all out for us so that we can better understand where she is coming from.

The author also just lives an interesting life that you can't help but want to know more about. She made her won wedding dress, she went on random trips to China, and she helps people from all walks of life. You also can't help but admire the resilience she has when she is going through the tough times. And how open and honest she is not just with her reader, but with her own kids.
While there were sad times throughout the book, there were also happy moments that shined out and made the reader happy that she got to experience happy times as well. One of my favorite happy moments is when the author lets us know that when something good happens she and her kids throw their hands in the air and say "I love my life!" I just found that to be an awesome thing to do, something I would like to do when I decide to have children.
I also appreciated the personal touch of this book when the author puts in her letters that she wrote to her kids. She doesn't put a ton, but she puts in the ones that make sense on where the story is going. That simple touch just makes the story seem more authentic. 
Overall, I give this book a 5 out of 5. I loved the honesty and gives great insight into her life. She lives an interesting life that keeps you turning every page and wondering what will happen next. This is also an easy read, so a good pick for those of you who like to read but may not always have a lot of time And it was fun to jump for joy in the happy moments with our author as she reminds me and all of us that we should love our life! Until next time, Happy Reading!

Pamela Lombana grew up in Colombia, South America, and emigrated to the United States to attend university. In 1999, Pamela became a pediatric nurse practitioner and went on to run a pediatric clinic in Spring Branch, Texas. Pamela loves working with families and children and focuses on educating her patients and their families. Pamela values strong family ties and friendships. She has three children and four stepchildren. Writing is a passion that started in Pamela's teenage years. She enjoys being amongst nature and loves to go hiking with her husband, Mark. Pamela is passionate about empowering women and providing them with tools to navigate life through her book, Full Circle: A Memoir, her blog, and Wordfall Publishing. Pamela wrote her memoir to offer hope and courage to women experiencing alcoholic and abusive situations.
THREE WINNERS!  THREE WINNERS: Signed copy of Full Circle 
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  1. FABULOUS review! This sounds like just the kind of book many of us need to put life into perspective. I love a story of overcoming and resilience and hope. Thank you for sharing!


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