October Coffee Shops of the Month | San Antonio
Hey Ya'll! I'm happy to be back with another list of coffee shops or you to try this month! I'm getting in all my coffee shop time right now as I will be a new mom in just about 5 more weeks, give or take, and I'm not sure how much time I will have to go out to coffee shops, at least for the following couple of months. Anyways, it's fall!! Kind of. Doesn't feel like it, but here in Texas, we like to pretend. Gravves Coffee ☕ 2106 McCullough Ave, San Antonio, Texas 78212 If you're looking for something a little more goth to grab your coffee, you've come to the right place. Gravves Coffee offers a great selection of fun coffee concotions, including their Elixir drink that is purple because it's made with ube! They also now offer affogato, which is coffee and ice cream and something I've discovered in other places, but not really here in the San Antonio area. As far as the space, it's in a good size warehouse, which I love. The bathroom is cl...