Book Talk | Mrs. Pollifax Pursued

 I went to my local Half Price books recently and picked up another Mrs. Pollifax book! I started reading this series when I picked it up on a whim at my local second hand bookstore and have been a Pollifax lover ever since. You can read my previous book from this series here. Anyway, onto the book talk for Mrs. Pollifax Pursued!

About the Author

Dorothy Gilman started writing when she was 9 and knew early on she was to be a writer. At 11, she competed against 10 to 16-year-olds in a story contest and won first place. She attended Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and briefly the University of Pennsylvania. She planned to write and illustrate children's books. She married Edgar A. Butters Jr, in 1945, this ended in divorce in 1965. Dorothy worked as an art teacher & telephone operator before becoming an author. She wrote children’s stories for more than ten years until she stated her adult mystery series on Mrs. Pollifax, which brought her to acclaimed fame.

Many of Dorothy’s books, feature strong women having adventures around the world. In 2010 Gilman was awarded the annual Grand Master Award by the Mystery Writers of America. Dorothy spent much of her life in Connecticut, New Mexico, and Maine. She died at age 88 of complications of Alzheimer's disease.


About the Book

 The last thing Mrs. Pollifax expects to find in her closet is a young woman hiding. Kadi Hopkirk insists that she’s being pursued by two men in a van. Under the cover of darkness, Mrs. P. tries to drive Kadi home to Manhattan, only to have a dark green sedan give them a run for their money and, Mrs. P. begins to suspect, their lives.

 Book Talk

When I picked up  Mrs. Pollifax Pursued, I had hopes that it would bring all the cozy, 80's-90's mystery vibes with it and I was not disappointed. We meet a slew of characters, more than in the last book I read, but every character was distinct and unique, so I was never confused about who was who. I was also intrigued on all the cultural backgrounds our characters were from in this story. I feel like that's not something people typically focused on back then, but not too far-fetched in a Mrs. Pollifax story.

When I say Mrs. Pollifax book are little cozy mystery stories, I mean it. the plot isn't too convoluted or too thick to understand what's going on or where we are at in the chase. On the other hand, it's also not too dumbed down either. We, the reader, are still wondering who is the main culprit out of the cast of characters we encounter until the very end. I for one did not suspect the people that it ended up being or how the whole plot would go down. 

Overall, Mrs. Pollifax Pursued is a great addition to the Pollifax series. If you haven't read a Mrs. Pollifax book, I feel that you can truly start from wherever and pick up easily where the last book left off. It's a great story to read when you're on the go or if you just want to wind down your days with something manageable to and enjoyable to read. I recommend grabbing this or one of the Mrs. Pollifax books today!






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