
Showing posts from May, 2024

Book Talk | The Virgin Suicides

 Last year, my favorite read of 2023 was Middlesex , a book from Jeffery Eugenides about the effect of a mutated gene on three generations of a Greek family, causing momentous changes in the protagonist's life. It's a really insightful and interesting read that I gobbled up pretty quickly. If you're interested in learning about that, you can find that book talk here ! Anyway, I knew that I would have to read Jeffrey's other works at some point and this past month was the month. Here's my full book talk on Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. About the Author Jeffrey Ken Eugenides is an American novelist and short story writer who has written numerous short stories, essays, and a few novels including The Virgin Suicides , Middlesex , and The Marriage Plot . In 2018, Eugenides joined New York University's Creative Writing Program as a tenured full professor and the Lewis and Loretta Glucksman Professor in American Letters. Eugenides has been inducted into The Amer