Book Review: Poetic Insights Through the Journey of Life
Hey guys! I've been so busy, with my new job, my first book just came out (which you can pick up now by clicking this hyperlink) going on vacation and just life in general! But I really want to get back into my blog. And I've been meaning to do a review from a fellow Self-publishing author, DeAsia N.L Zellner. Ms Zellner asked me to do a review, and here I am! Read on for the review of Poetic Insights Through the Journey of Life.
Overall, this was a great poetry book. I'm not one that reads a whole book of poetry, but this was one was worthy to note. You can find DeAsia's book on Amazon.
A little bit of background
DeAsia has experienced so many different situations throughout her life. She decided to write her experiences out in a poetry book to express how she felt about it all. DeAsia is not just an author, but also has her MBA and MHA, and is a mentor at MSTRS New York.
What was enjoyable
I really enjoyed and appreciated the honesty of DeAsia. I felt like she was being brutally honest and was not holding anything back from what she experienced and felt. IT really felt like you were reading from a crazy movie.What was least enjoyable
I enjoyed reading this book, but the only thing I would suggest is the flow of the poems. I felt like they some of them went in a timeline, but others out of sequence. But it did not take away from the book.
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